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Gorey Family Resource Centre Ltd
Title: Gorey Family Resource Centre Ltd
Category: Clubs & Organisations / Family & Support Groups
Clicks: 63
Listing added: May 16, 2011
Comments: 0
Gorey Family Resource Centre opened our doors on 15th August 2010. The centre is funded by the Family Support Agency and is run by a Volunteer Board of Management, staff and volunteers. The success of the centre is the teamwork between all three groups who have one aim, to help the Gorey community to help ourselves and create a better society.

Gorey Family Resource Centre aims to provide a wide variety of supports and services to people within our own community. These include:
Information, advice and support to families, Practical assistance such as counselling, translations services, etc, Education courses, training opportunities to build self-confidence and encourage back to education, Involvement of men in the life of the community, Women’s groups
Meeting point for various support groups and services, Opportunity to meet other people in the community over a cup of tea, These supports and services uphold the community development ethos and the principle of inclusiveness, both central to the values of the Family Support Agency.
Name: Gorey Family Resource Centre Ltd
Address: 4 Charlotte Row
Telephone: 053 94 89017
Town: Gorey
County: Wexford

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